Family database Juling
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There are 17 individuals with the location Wallwitz in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
For hints and question concerning the data please and if there's something wrong with the database technique or you have an idea how to make it better, please contact Herbert Juling (
sorted by: Last name Birth Death

KÖPPE, Andreas (# 2168 ) * about 1650 in Wallwitz, + in
     oo 04.12.1677 in Wallwitz SÄNFTENBERGER, Catharina (# 2169 ) * about 1655 in Gehrden, + before 1686 in Wallwitz
KÖPPE, Andreas (# 2168 ) * about 1650 in Wallwitz, + in
     oo in 1686 in Wallwitz SCHWARZKOPF, Ottilia * about 1660 in Wallwitz, + in
KÖPPE, Andreas * 18.07.1698 in Wallwitz, + in
KÖPPE, Catharina * 11.04.1693 in Wallwitz, + in
KÖPPE, Christian * 02.04.1702 in Wallwitz, + in
STIELE, Claus * about 1660 in Wallwitz, + in
     oo 28.10.1679 in Wallwitz SANDMANN, Maria (# 2107 ) * in Wallwitz, + in
KÖPPEN, Georg (# 1084 ) * 24.11.1678 in Wallwitz, + in
KÖPPE, Johannes * 06.07.1690 in Wallwitz, + in
KÖPPE, Margaretha * 19.01.1696 in Wallwitz, + in
KÖPPE, Maria * 22.09.1682 in Wallwitz, + in
KÖPPE, Ottilia * 05.10.1687 in Wallwitz, + in

STEIN, Thias (# 8284 ) * in , + 06.05.1626 in Wallwitz


Last update: 10.07.2002
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